It's the BrandBassador Black Friday BRA-NANZA!

Do you LOVE Curvy Kate and Scantilly? Regularly post on social and want to earn commission sharing what you love?

Then look no further, Curvy Kate offer the perfect solution- our BrandBassador program! Brandbassador is a great opportunity to earn freebie Curvy Kate and Scantilly lingerie sets as well as earn commission! So your lingerie drawer will never be empty again! If you love Curvy Kate lingerie and want to share it with your following then come and join our Brandbassador community!

Step 1

Black Friday Brandbassador BRA-NANZA!

Sign up to Brandbassador, this is the platform we use to ensure our Brand Ambassadors are looked after, create your profile now.

Step 2

Black Friday Brandbassador BRA-NANZA!

Create your code to earn commission via the BrandBassador app.
You will need to refresh your code every two weeks or after 20 sales.
Commission levels start from 4% and you can work up to 10% by creating sales and doing missions (which are REALLY fun!)

Step 3

Black Friday Brandbassador BRA-NANZA!

Black Friday Brandbassador BRA-NANZA!

Take part in our missions on the Brandbassador app, post content in your favourite Curvy Kate & Scantilly sets to build your sales & commision!

Step 4

Black Friday Brandbassador BRA-NANZA!

Post your code every time you share your Curvy Kate and Scantilly content!
This Black Friday/Cyber Monday period we will be offering amazing
discounts, including the £7 bralette!!

Your code will allow your followers to get an extra 10% off their

Black Friday Brandbassador BRA-NANZA!

The more sales you make, the more commission you earn! We have seen huge success with our Brand Ambassadors including earning of:

Black Friday Brandbassador BRA-NANZA!

So, why not get snapping in your fave Curvy Kate looks and start earning commission today!

We look forward to working with you and seeing your codes generate lot’s of commission which you can withdraw as cash, you can double the value to spend back on!

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