Mental Health Awareness Month

For Mental Health Awareness Month we have teamed up with some of our most uplifting ladies from social media and our very own Curvy Kate staff to offer you all-round, feel-good vibes! From learning to love your belly and feeling confident in your lingerie from the bedroom to bar along with some experiences of mental health and body confidence with our Curvy Kate babes.
According to
“‘Body image’ is a term that can be used to describe how we think and feel about our bodies. Our thoughts and feelings about our bodies can impact us throughout our lives, affecting, more generally, the way we feel about ourselves and our mental health and wellbeing.
How does body image affect mental health?
Having body image concerns is a relatively common experience and is not a mental health problem in and of itself; however, it can be a risk factor for mental health problems.”

Olivia Kirkby is a Tik Tok star spreading the positive belly love vibes across social media. Olivia keeps it real with all the angles, textures and body loving! Bellies can be an area which women are least happy with, would rather hide or flatten but Olivia gives us the inspiration to let that belly live its best life whatever size you might be! Embrace your softness, your bloat, rolls and stretch marks because showing your belly and body a little more love is sure to lift your mood.
Olivia wears our bestselling plunge bra Lifestyle to take a walk on the wild side, transitioning into the bold brights of Cherry Pop and Daily Plunge for all the cleavage and cuteness! Comfort level one thousand, Olivia styles up Twice the Fun bralette and thong, which way will you wear it?
Belly love reminders from Olivia Kirkby…

‘How do I look sexy in lingerie?’ ‘How can I feel confident in my lingerie?’ – these two questions are regularly asked on Google and we are so here to help a babe out!
We have asked our incredible Scantilly Hun, Dr Elesha to give us her top tips to feeling confident, sexy and how to OWN IT in your lingerie. The sexiest thing a woman can wear, is confidence! Dr Elesha is taking over our Instagram to offer a major confidence boost for all our beautiful babes, she wears some of our favourite pieces from Scantilly.
Catch up with Dr Elesha’s blog, which will leave you feeling FIERCE!

Bodies change A LOT during pregnancy and for mamas to be and mamas of one or many it can knock your self-esteem. We have our girl squad to pick you right up and remind you, what a babe your truly are. Bra Bassador Nicole Moses gave birth just over 6 months ago to her beautiful baby girl, she talks about her experience of pregnancy, birth and BOOBS!
Curvy Kate’s Production Assistant is having a baby girl! WHOOP. As part of our Mental Health Awareness month, Becky talks through loving her pregnant belly and tips to lifting your confidence during pregnancy and beyond.

Self-love isn’t easy, and let’s be honest not all of us can say we love our bodies on the daily. However, we can say that we own our bodies and have the confidence to celebrate them!
Our bodies do the most for us and so we are spreading the OWN IT message for the final week of Mental Health Awareness Month with our very own BRA Bassadors!